Friday, September 19, 2008

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

We went to the zoo!!!

We waited in line for 40 minutes to see the zoo's new baby elephant...but it was worth it! He is *so* cute! As we were walking away, the momma pulled her baby under her legs with her trunk...Emma said, "She's such a good momma". Aww...

We rode the train too! Such fun! Both kiddos hollered "all aboard" loud enough for the conductor to hear...he laughed out loud...evidently most kids don't holler that! ;)

We didn't have much battery left in the we didn't take many pictures...but it was a fun day anyway!

Tired of seeing fish yet?

Sunday, September 7, 2008

A Special Day!

Have you ever tried to get two little folks to smile *at* the camera at the same time? Fun stuff! lol

Happy Birthday anyway! We love you and can't wait to come see you!

Two Days~Three Fish

So, a Coho and a Silver are the same a matter of fact, these two pictures are the same wanted to play around with the editing though. ;)

Unless...this is Jerry that case...these two fish were brought in today....actually, these are just the ones that were not dropped off at the food bank first. Those half dozen or so were the size of whales! It was unreal. You should have seen them....what a fight...

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

My Sweet Girl

Emma and Trevor had been playing drum with an empty oatmeal canister. Of course, they beat the drum too hard, popping the top right out of its plastic ring. Emma placed it on her noggin like a halo....hum....angelic! That's my girl! Notice the perfectly placed curl? I did not have anything to do with is her nature.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

They Call Me ~ Redbeard!

With two red bearded uncles (one on each side) it will be no real surprise if Bear eventually grows a red beard...but at only 19 months old, he is already trying to look like Uncle Matt and Uncle Guy.

He liked his ravioli so well, that he sucked his spoon clean and slurped from his bowl...hence the perfect beard.

Quite the proud little guy, wouldn't you say? ;)

Let's not talk about the clean up. :)

Big Girl Bed

Well, we took the front off of Emma's bed to practice sleeping in a big girl bed before going to has been a success!!

The first night, I went in to Emma's room around midnight. Here is how I found her. Of course, I had to snap pictures. The drool spot tells me she had been facing the other direction...that's probably when she fell out. ;)

After snapping pics...I moved her over, waking her enough for her to say to me...

"It is ok Mommy, I already picked myself up off the floor."

I almost died laughing. My baby girl is getting so big!!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Sprinkler Fun in the *gasp* SUN!

As unbelievable as it is, the sun finally came out to play! Yahoo!! We grabbed our suits, and out we went to play in the sprinkler.

Saturday, January 19, 2008