Sunday, August 17, 2008

They Call Me ~ Redbeard!

With two red bearded uncles (one on each side) it will be no real surprise if Bear eventually grows a red beard...but at only 19 months old, he is already trying to look like Uncle Matt and Uncle Guy.

He liked his ravioli so well, that he sucked his spoon clean and slurped from his bowl...hence the perfect beard.

Quite the proud little guy, wouldn't you say? ;)

Let's not talk about the clean up. :)

Big Girl Bed

Well, we took the front off of Emma's bed to practice sleeping in a big girl bed before going to has been a success!!

The first night, I went in to Emma's room around midnight. Here is how I found her. Of course, I had to snap pictures. The drool spot tells me she had been facing the other direction...that's probably when she fell out. ;)

After snapping pics...I moved her over, waking her enough for her to say to me...

"It is ok Mommy, I already picked myself up off the floor."

I almost died laughing. My baby girl is getting so big!!