Friday, July 27, 2007

Our Friend Jonah Came to Visit!

It was so much fun! Jonah is 18 months old and has lived in Hong Kong for most of his life. He now lives with his Mommy and Daddy in North Carolina, but he is visiting his paternal Grandparents in Washington which means he can visit us too!

Emma thinks that Jonah is great! He's smaller than she is and he wore these really neat sneakers with Velcro. She tried three or four times to get them off of him.

She finally gave up, and took him to her kitchen to cook. The two of them are too cute together, and I have a *secret* wish that they spend lots of time together in the kitchen when they're adults. ;)

1 comment:

Jonah Zane Herzog said...

It was so much fun visiting you guys. In a few years I'll be bigger than you Emma (maybe) and I'll be able to hold my own a little better!